Louisiana Tech Wildlife Lab

Research in Wildlife Habitat Management

Photo Credit: H. Adams
Influence of Cattle Grazing on Wildlife in Longleaf Pine Forests
Principal Investigators: Dr. Heidi Adams & Miss Paige Parks
Status: Research in Progress
Cattle grazing can mimic prescribed fire as a disturbance tool in longleaf pine forests in that it can also reduce woody vegetation density in the understory and reduce pine litter accumulation, in turn increasing vegetative diversity. The influence of grazing on wildlife, however, is unknown, particularly threatened or endangered species, such as the Louisiana pine snake and the red-cockaded woodpecker. Our objective is to evaluate wildlife response to grazing in the form of population density and distribution in longleaf pine forests.

Spatially Explicit Population Estimation of the Louisiana Black Bear
Principal Investigators: Dr. Joe Clark, Dr. Heidi Adams, et al.
Status: Manuscript in Review
The focus of this research is on Louisiana black bear population dynamics utilizing cluster sampling, and comparing the data we gain to the traditional grid sampling that has been done in subsequent years. Results of this research will be part of the framework for season setting and future management of the Louisiana black bear resource, once the delisting monitoring period has concluded.
Photo Credit: M. Hooker

Photo Credit: C. Sharp
Avian Use of a Bottomland Hardwood Afforestation Site in the Red River Alluvial Valley
Principal Investigators: Mr. Colby Sharp and Dr. Heidi Adams
Status: Manuscript in Preparation
Bottomland hardwood forests cover 2.8 million hectares of the original 10 million hectares that once existed in the southeastern United States. These losses led to an emphasis on afforestation of retired agricultural land. It is important to evaluate changes in wildlife communities as these stands progress through the different stages of succession. Our research goal was to evaluate the effectiveness of a 25-year old afforested BHF in the Red River Alluvial Valley in providing suitable habitat for migratory birds. This goal required data collection and analyses methods that may be duplicated to assess other afforested BHFs in the southeastern United States.

Photo Credit: C. Stelly
Selection of Natal Den Sites by Female Louisiana Black Bears in Louisiana, USA
Principal Investigators: Mr. Chris Stelly and Dr. Heidi Adams
Status: Manuscript in Preparation
Louisiana black bears faced population declines due to habitat loss and fragmentation, as well as increased urbanization and expanding agricultural lands, but has since made its way off the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife due to conservation efforts by state biologists. Though the subspecies has received an increase in habitat, which warranted its delisting, efforts still persist to further increase its occupation throughout the historical range of Louisiana, eastern Texas, and western Mississippi. Reproductive habitat remains imperative because of the philopatric nature of the Louisiana black bear. Our objectives were to determine what landscape variables are important predictors of natal den site selection and how forest stand characteristics influence the type of established natal den. Results may be used to develop strategies that aid in the continued reoccupation of the historical range of the species.

Evaluation of White-tailed Deer Preference among Commerical Food Plot Seed Mixes
Principal Investigators: Dr. Heidi Adams and Dr. Joshua Adams
Status: Manuscript in Preparation
Establishment and management of food plots is a common practice used to attract white-tailed deer and other wildlife to an area. Several companies that provide food plot seed mixes boast on the desirability their seed mix will provide foragers. With this large selection of mixes, costs of seed mixes will also vary. Our objective was to determine the ecological value of a high-cost and low-cost seed mix based upon deer foraging preference.
Photo Credit: H. Adams