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Associate Professor of Wildlife Habitat Management

Frank Merritt Endowed Professor of Forestry

Certified Wildlife Biologist®


Tel: (318) 257 - 2947


Office: Reese Hall 201

Address: P. O. Box 10138 / 1501 Reese Drive / Ruston, LA 71272




Ph.D. - Mississippi State University, 2011

M.S. - University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2006

B.S. - University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2004


Teaching Responsibilities


WILD 314 - Wildlife Habitat Evaluation and Management (Fall & Spring Quarters)

WILD 350 - Wildlife Anatomy (Fall Quarter)

FOR 230 - Biology of Forest Plants (Winter Quarter)

WILD 360 - Wildlife Policy and Law (Winter Quarter)

WILD 450 - Biology of Wild Animals (Winter Quarter)

WILD 550 - Advanced Biology of Wild Animals (Winter Quater)

WILD 347 - Wildlife Techniques (Spring Quarter)

FOR 310 - Human Dimensions of Forestry (Summer Quarter)


Research and Outreach Interests


Avian Habitat Evaluation and Management

Mammalian Habitat Evaluation and Management


Environmental Education



Click on the icon to the left to access each publication.

Shoemaker, K. D., D. P. Jackson, and H. L. Adams. 2022. Determining avian herbivory patterns at sowing using loblolly and longleaf pine seed. Tree Planters' Notes 65:82-92.

Adams, H. L., R. E. Kissell, Jr., D. Ratajczak, E. L. Warr, R. D. Applegate, L. Barrett, T. Lavacot, and D. Graves. 2020. Relationships among white-tailed deer density, harvest, and landscape metrics in TN, USA. European Journal of Wildlife Research 66:19.

Adams, H. L., L. W. Burger, Jr., and S. Riffell. 2019. Influence of disturbance on avian communities in agricultural conservation buffers in Mississippi, USA. Open Ornithology Journal 12:16-29.

Adams, H. L., L. W. Burger, Jr., and S. Riffell. 2015. Edge effects on avian diversity and density of native grass conservation buffers. Open Ornithology Journal 8:1–9.

J. D. Carr, H. M. Cheshire, D. J. Bailey, G. R. Hess, H. A. Devine, and H. L. Adams. 2014. Assessing learning outcomes related to geospatial science using students’ deliverables. Natural Sciences Education 43:95–101.

Dollar, J. G., S. Riffell, H. L. Adams, and L. W. Burger, Jr. 2014. Evaluating butterflies as surrogates for birds and plants in semi-natural grassland buffers. Journal of Insect Conservation 18:171–178.

Adams, H. L., L. W. Burger, Jr., and S. Riffell.  2013. Disturbance and landscape effects on avian nests in agricultural conservation buffers.  Journal of Wildlife Management 77:1213–1220.

Hale, S. L., S. Riffell, L. W. Burger, Jr., H. L. Adams, and J. G. Dollar. 2011. Fire ant response to management of native grass conservation buffers. American Midland Naturalist 166:283–291.

Puckett, H. L., J. R. Brandle, R. J. Johnson, and E. E. Blankenship. 2009. Avian foraging patterns in crop field edges adjacent to woody habitat. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 131: 9–15.



Dr. Heidi L. Adams

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